Friday, November 22, 2013


Statistics say there are 7 billion people in the world.  In New York City alone there is a staggering 8 million!  You might think with all those people running around you would be nothing more then a spec and get lost in the mix.
           Think again..
Take a minute and look at your fingertips.  Those little lines and ridges you see there are all uniquely yours.  No one else in the world has the same pattern that you have.  And those tiny lines are exactly the same the day you are born as they will be the day you die. If that is not enough to make you feel special, here is something else to think about.  The Bible teaches us that the creator of the universe knows you by name and has numbered the hairs on your head.  "You" are special to God and just like your fingerprints are uniquely yours he has a personal plan for your life.

It does not matter if you are an atheist or a believer; you were created by God and there is a reason you are on planet earth right now. Think of it this way. The world you live in is God's great house. You are one of his treasures that he displays across the globe for an honorable or dishonorable cause.  Your life is not a question of whether or not he will use you but what will he be able to use you for?

Let me explain. Silver and gold are useless when they are first brought in from the field. The original compounds are full of impurities that make the metal unfit for use.  The silversmith must refine it and remove all the imperfections so it can be softened and shaped.  This process involves fire and very close attention by the smith. The metal goes in and out of the furnace until he can see his own reflection in it.

If you are up to the challenge the same process applies to you.  The problems and difficulties you face each day are part of the refining process God uses to get you ready for the special job he has for you.  Like the silversmith, he never takes his eyes off you because you are his work in progress. When you allow God to work out his amazing plan for you he will help you live up to a higher standard enabling you to become a vessel of honor fit for every good work.

In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor.  If anyone cleanses himself of dishonor, he will become a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for God, prepared for every good work.  2 Timothy 20 - 21


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