Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Our thoughts have incredible power. We think our minds are our own private space but whatever is going on in our heads eventually comes out in our words and actions exposing the demons we are trying to hide. 

If you have been focused on anger, bitterness or hatred at the way someone spoke to you or treated you and keep playing it over and over in your mind those feelings will take root, like an invasive weed in a flower garden, until it is almost impossible to pull out. There are countless other scenario's and you probably know first hand how these emotions lock you into a self made prison cell within your mind. 

So how do we get our negative thoughts, feelings and emotions to line up with positive action. 

The Bible calls it the Renewing of your Mind.  Simply put, we choose to let go of the offensive words and forgive the offender instead of holding onto it. Let it go. Think about how many things the Lord has forgiven you for and forgive on purpose. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  Hebrews 9:11 

Your bad attitude won't just magically disappear. It will raise it's ugly head over and over again but each time it does say a little prayer for the person who hurt you. When we take that small step of obedience, God takes care of the rest. When we focus on what God says in the Bible our lives find positive reinforcement. After all...It's easier to pick flowers than it is to pull weeds.