Saturday, March 2, 2024


It's crazy how much time I invest in doomscrolling or doomsurfing as it's called. Seriously. It is a term that means excessively scrolling through bad news on social media. I get it. I'm guilty of it... but there is very little good news anymore. The world we live in is black as pitch especially when you look at current events through a secular worldview. The main stream media has us constantly on high alert as we wait for the next traumatic event to light up the computer screen. We are bombarded with statistics on crisis fatigue and we wonder where and when all the chaos will end. 

Let me give you some good news. When we are feeling most burned out by the events surrounding our lives and what we read on social media that is precisely the moment when we must push back harder in prayer. I'm talking warfare prayer. On our knees. Focused. Thankful. Filled with Faith. Think of the world you see on the news today as a smoke screen. It's the enemy trying to keep us filled with fear and dread about the future. Instead, look around...we are winning these battles. Think about all the positive things that are being exposed to the millions and millions of us who are waking up to see who is creating all the problems. There is no doubt we are engaged in a spiritual war for our country, our people and our faith and we need to engage the enemy with spiritual weapons of war. Make no mistake, God is working behind the scenes and in faith we need to keep looking at the horizon.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer . (Romans 12:12)