Thursday, August 15, 2024


"Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."(Matthew 7:15)

Remember as kids we were told little white lies were no big deal? If you think back to those days, maybe you thought your "fibs" were not that bad. However, in time you might have gotten comfortable fabricating the truth, first to your parents in order to stay our of trouble, then as you grew up the white lies grew in size too, until you were comfortable with fudging your resume to get your dream job or telling an outright lie to your spouse as to why you got home from work so late. Lies, like all other sin grows and mutates and can become habitual when left unchecked reeking havoc in our relationships and lives. No wonder Satan is called the father of lies.

Deception is not confined to our own private lives, it is an invasive intruder, and over the years has crept into the very fabric of society eroding our trust at all levels including our marriages, parenting, national government and our source of information...the news media. The information we ingest has conditioned us to accept the broadcasters word as gospel although many times we are being fed propaganda making it almost impossible to tell truth from lies. To further complicate matters we now have AI altering the images we see for the purpose of  controlling the narrative. Why you might wonder would our leaders and journalists want to deliberately give us false information that manipulates our thoughts? Simply put...the wolf is in the sheep pen.

How are we to discern the signs of the times if we are constantly being gaslighted? How can we keep our families safe when our leadership does not have our best interest at heart? There is only one source of ABSOLUTE truth. Jesus said to those who believed Him "If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE." (John 8:31-32)

God is saying when we accept His teaching, and obey the gospel message we will understand the truth and that wisdom will free us from error. If you have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, don't become discouraged by the evil that is surrounding us in the world. Get connected with a Bible believing church and allow God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, the source of all truth. 

The good news is...its never too late to get ourselves right with God. "If we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in our hearts God raised Him from the dead we will be saved." Romans 10:9

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Our thoughts have incredible power. We think our minds are our own private space but whatever is going on in our heads eventually comes out in our words and actions exposing the demons we are trying to hide. 

If you have been focused on anger, bitterness or hatred at the way someone spoke to you or treated you and keep playing it over and over in your mind those feelings will take root, like an invasive weed in a flower garden, until it is almost impossible to pull out. There are countless other scenario's and you probably know first hand how these emotions lock you into a self made prison cell within your mind. 

So how do we get our negative thoughts, feelings and emotions to line up with positive action. 

The Bible calls it the Renewing of your Mind.  Simply put, we choose to let go of the offensive words and forgive the offender instead of holding onto it. Let it go. Think about how many things the Lord has forgiven you for and forgive on purpose. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  Hebrews 9:11 

Your bad attitude won't just magically disappear. It will raise it's ugly head over and over again but each time it does say a little prayer for the person who hurt you. When we take that small step of obedience, God takes care of the rest. When we focus on what God says in the Bible our lives find positive reinforcement. After all...It's easier to pick flowers than it is to pull weeds.

Monday, April 29, 2024


With all the news feeds, opinions, and op-ed's floating around the internet it's no wonder our minds are on information overload. The way we all tend to shoot off our mouths you would think we were the most informed, understanding and wise generation that ever graced planet earth with our intelligence.

All joking aside... the wisest people among us are not those who have thousands of likes and views on their social media feeds. They are not those of us who have spent years and years studying in the top universities to acquire their Doctorate. 

According to God, wisdom and understanding are something tangible, profound, and much more personal.

In James 3:13  God asks us us a point blank question..."Who  among you is wise and understanding? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom." 

God's wisdom has nothing to do with how many degrees we can list next to our names. The wisest people in the Kingdom of God are not those of us who are considered the smartest. Instead, wisdom is applied to the people who put God and others first in their lives. In the Bible humility has to do with servant hood. The verse goes on to say "wisdom is pure, peace-loving, considerate , submissive, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere." Wow! What an incredible list of character traits we should all aspire to.

God also tells us if we lack wisdom to ask Him for it and he will give it to us generously. We are to imitate God who is always ready to forgive us for our sins when we confess our failures and turn away from our transgressions. Because of his mercy and faithfulness he encourages us when we're down, leads us when we have lost our way, and loves us even when we don't deserve it. To boil it down, if you want to be considered wise,  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Matthew 7:12) WISDOM IS LOVE IN ACTION.

Monday, April 1, 2024



"Into each life some rain must fall." This timeless phrase comes from a classic jazz song sung by Ella Fitzgerald and quickly became an anthem for everyone who perseveres through hardships. We certainly don't look forward to having setbacks in our lives but the good news, when we have Jesus as our anchor, we always come out victorious. 

Rain and storms symbolize when the rain starts falling it's best to get our focus on the One who helps us in our time of need. The Bible gives us lots of perspective on adversity when it hits home. 

1) When trials come...REJOICE.  That sounds crazy but our reaction to trouble when it hits will show our enemy, Satan, we choose to trust God with the outcome and we refuse to cave to fear of our circumstances.

2) Obstacles, big and small, test our faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11: 6)

3) Faith produces steadfastness that empowers us to stand firm, immovable, confident in God. When we make it through, God tells us we are perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 

Best of all, the promise of victory is found in First Peter Five verse Ten  "After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen , and establish you."  So remember...when bad news comes... perspective is everything so hang on and..DANCE THROUGH THE STORM.

Saturday, March 2, 2024


It's crazy how much time I invest in doomscrolling or doomsurfing as it's called. Seriously. It is a term that means excessively scrolling through bad news on social media. I get it. I'm guilty of it... but there is very little good news anymore. The world we live in is black as pitch especially when you look at current events through a secular worldview. The main stream media has us constantly on high alert as we wait for the next traumatic event to light up the computer screen. We are bombarded with statistics on crisis fatigue and we wonder where and when all the chaos will end. 

Let me give you some good news. When we are feeling most burned out by the events surrounding our lives and what we read on social media that is precisely the moment when we must push back harder in prayer. I'm talking warfare prayer. On our knees. Focused. Thankful. Filled with Faith. Think of the world you see on the news today as a smoke screen. It's the enemy trying to keep us filled with fear and dread about the future. Instead, look around...we are winning these battles. Think about all the positive things that are being exposed to the millions and millions of us who are waking up to see who is creating all the problems. There is no doubt we are engaged in a spiritual war for our country, our people and our faith and we need to engage the enemy with spiritual weapons of war. Make no mistake, God is working behind the scenes and in faith we need to keep looking at the horizon.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer . (Romans 12:12)

Friday, January 19, 2024

THIS PRESENT DARKNESS...has a bright side

 Did you ever notice when a storm is brewing you can feel your skin prickle, taste the presence of danger in the air, smell the incoming chaos, and watch the storm rumble to life from afar off. I've been in Florida during a hurricane and the day before was bright, sunny and beautiful...not a cloud in the sky. However, the weather forecaster acted like the sky was falling. I have to admit, its during these uncertain moments that I feel most unsettled not knowing if our family should evacuate or shelter in place. For me its the same hair raising, heart pumping feeling I get when I consider the changes in our political atmosphere. Are we rushing headlong into a New World Order or is it all hype to keep us in constant fear and dependent on our leaders.

Being prepared when a natural disaster is at your door and in the face of our ever changing world can set our nerves on edge. Inflation, food shortages, voter insecurity and widespread corruption are blowing through our beloved country at an alarming rate. We are bombarded with the latest conspiracies and conflicting news on a daily basis and its becoming impossible to discern truth from lies. 

However, behind all the lies, more and more people are realizing something sinister is coming. Will it be the grid going down, a civil war, a terrorist attack in our own country? The question we need to ask ourselves becomes...where will we hide when the storm makes landfall? 

Will we cower at the feet of our leaders like we did during the pandemic or will we run to the cross and trust the promises of God, even while the winds are raging out of our control around us.  Yes, we are living in uncertain times but God "Is the same yesterday, today and forever."

We can be sure of three things... (1) God loves us (2 )His promises are trustworthy and reliable (3) God is working on our behalf, no matter what our circumstances look like. The most powerful thing we can do during dark times is Speak God's Promises Over Our Lives . Words are powerful weapons. Below are a few of His promises to get you started.

"In the shelter of your presence you hide us from all human conspiracies; you keep us safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues." Psalm 31:20 

"You must not fear them, for the Lord your God Himself fights for you."  Deuteronomy 3:22

"When I am afraid I will trust in You."  Psalm 56:3

"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid ?" Psalm 27:1

"The Lord is the one who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8

There are many more promises in the Bible. As a matter or fact, there are 365 verses that tell us not to fear! A verse to help us face life with courage every day of the year. As for me...I am choosing to trust my God and His promises of protection, provision and faithfulness written in His book to us for such a time as this.