Tuesday, July 29, 2014


For the past decade, Japanese farmers have been  growing square watermelons.

They say the process to alter the shape of fruit is simple. When the melons are small on the vine, a square acrylic box is placed around it.  It simply adjusts to its environment and takes on the unnatural shape of the box.

If you think about it, many of us put ourselves inside a box. Disappointment, failure, and past mistakes tend to make us wilt and take cover in the security of a false identity.  We often build our self esteem around our defects forcing our lives to be manipulated from its intended purpose.

This is not how God wants you to live.  He created us wired to grow, blossom, thrive, and change.  Scripture tells us that God shaped us before we were born so our lives would broadcast His praises. Each one of us has special gifts and abilities placed within us for a God ordained purpose. While the Master Architect created you He decided what role you would play on the earth and equipped you for the task.  The thing is-in his great love for us- he never forces His design on anyone.

No matter how many times we say no to His purpose or miss the mark, His plan for our success never changes. God's blueprints for us are HUGE and He gives us plenty of room to grow into the masterpiece He intended us to become.  Don't give anyone or anything from your past the power to steal your identity . Your perfect shape for the future is walking with Jesus, one step at a time.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43; 21
                                Ephesians 2: 8-10